格式/编解码器/协议 > 新闻

在追求以更高的质量和更低的延迟提供视频, the streaming media industry is home to an ever-changing array of video formats, 编解码器, 以及交付协议. 点击这里查看HEVC的最新消息和趋势, AV1, VVC, CMAF, WebRTC, MPEG标准, 版税, 即时包装, 和更多的.

为五月的纽约流媒体保留座位吧. 现在注册!


促进对AI编解码器发展的认识, Deep Render的CTO和联合创始人, Arsalan征服者, has launched an educational resource titled "Foundations of AI-Based Codec Development: An Introductory Course.在最近接受《百家乐软件》采访时, Zafar提供了对课程内容的见解, 目标受众, 以及预期结果.

在NAB 2024年:视频, Telestream, 凤凰, Ateme, V-Nova, 12个实验室, 挪威人的, 杜比, 和NETINT

Any NAB report is like the story of the blind man and the elephant: what you experience is what you touch, representing a fraction of the whole and perhaps not even a good sample. 话虽如此,这是我在节目中触摸到的东西. Many of these experiences are accompanied by video that I shot of the interviews.

流媒体预览:计算而冷却与Netflix, Adeia, 流媒体绿色化, 以及帮助我流媒体研究基金会

周三, 5月22日在纽约流媒体, Dom罗宾逊, 创始人, 流媒体的绿化和导演id3as/挪威人的, will moderate an all-star panel of leading streaming technology providers and innovators to discuss how to make media's tech stack more cost and energy efficient and implement sound and sustainable best practices throughout the media supply chain, Sujana Sooreddy的见解, Netflix的高级首席软件工程师, Serhad发布, Adeia的首席技术官, 还有蒂姆·弗瑞-西格林, 帮助我流媒体研究基金会的创始执行董事.


在世界移动通信大会上,人工智能是未来的热门话题, operators debated how to recoup money from the millions of dollars poured into 5G networks, 不断加强监管, 更广泛的合作, 并承诺不会重蹈5G的覆辙.


流媒体 presented its 13th Connect virtual conference February 19 - 22, 2024, 由媒体行业制图师埃文·夏皮罗担任主持人和主持人. 夏皮罗以充满活力的主题演讲拉开了会议的序幕, digging deep into the Q4 earnings call data to hold the spin doctors accountable and giving an unvarnished view of the industry. 其他亮点还包括迪士尼的达纳·麦格劳的主题演讲, 迪士尼广告, Understanding Audiences: How Disney Advertising Leverages Data Science and Insights to Empower Advertisers, 另外还有几个小组讨论了应用流媒体UX设计等主题, 规模化CTV广告, 衡量FAST的成功, 和人工智能.


NDI runs the risk of fumbling the ball on the 20-yard line—squandering the nearly decade lead they have in IP video by not enforcing that licensees integrate all of the standard. I write this in the hope that they re-establish what the NDI standard means: that to license NDI, 并显示NDI徽章, 产品必须100%兼容.

CES 2024最佳产品

流媒体's Nadine Krefetz recounts media tech highlights from CES 2024




Newest version of twice-annual report expands on "pain points" and growth patterns, 现已提供下载.

你的编解码器将花费你什么:罗伯特J.L. 摩尔谈论Avanci视频编解码器专利池启动

什么是新的Avanci视频编解码器专利池, 谁参与其中, 它涵盖了哪些编解码器, and what does it mean for OTTs and other streaming content companies in terms of paying for codec usage going forward? Should the streaming industry be bracing for a sea change when it comes to codec 版税? In this interview with Streaming Learning Center's Jan Ozer and Robert J L Moore, 知识产权律师, 他们讨论了这些影响,并更多地基于我们目前所知道的.


StreamingMedia的团队.com 以及帮助我流媒体研究基金会 are getting a jump on fall by releasing the Autumn 2023 edition of the State of Streaming survey. 这项调查是我们每年两次对整个流媒体行业的调查. Take the survey today and help us understand just how the streaming landscape has shifted in the past six months.


Media and hardware companies are embracing xHE-AAC (the combination of Extended HE-AAC and MPEG-D DRC) to deliver high-quality audio and video content. Via LA音频节目高级总监Helene Jay解释了原因. 

更新:媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗主持, MC, 和适度的流媒体连接虚拟事件, 8月22 - 24

流媒体今天宣布埃文·夏皮罗, 自诩为“媒体制图师”,数据呈现精辟, 分析, and commentary is mapping out the future of the streaming media industry and overall entertainment sector, has signed on as host and MC of the next 流媒体 Connect virtual event, 8月22日至24日.


When it comes to making roadmap decisions about adopting emerging 编解码器 for media & 从现在到2030年的娱乐内容交付, 这些数字说明了什么, and how has the forecast changed since the pandemic shook up the streaming market? In this in-depth exclusive interview with Streaming Learning Center's Jan Ozer, Rethink Technology 研究 Senior Analyst Alex Davies discusses the findings of Rethink's new M&电子编解码器市场预测.

没那么快? 2023年春季流媒体调查显示...

New 2023 Spring edition of State of Streaming survey launches, shows shifting focus

NAB 2023:鸟狗会谈X120 NDI|HX3 PTZ相机

BirdDog首席执行官 & Co-创始人 Dan Miall joins 流媒体's Shawn Lam in the BirdDog booth at NAB 2023 to discuss the BirdDog X120, a new NDI|HX3 20X PTZ cam billed as "the world's first Wi-Fi production PTZ" that lists for $995.

Via LA的Heath Hoglund谈论MPEG LA/Via许可专利池合并

Following on the news that Via Licensing has acquired codec patent pool administrators MPEG LA to form Via LA as a "unified entity,主席希思·霍格伦德讨论了游泳池将如何运作, as well as resulting synergies including streamlined IP distribution and economies of scale in this interview with Streaming Learning Center's Jan Ozer.

MPAI Reaches the 2nd milestone of the Roadmap for Metaverse Interoperability

国际, 非营利性的, 和无关联的电影公司, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 31st General Assembly (MPAI-31) approving Version 1 of the MPAI Metaverse Model - Functionality Profiles.

Jan Ozer谈“VVC:准备行动?“工作坊即将在流媒体东部2023举行

One of the premier pre-conference events at the upcoming 流媒体 East conference explores the readiness of the Versatile Video Codec (VVC) for deployment and implementation. 周三发表, 5月17日, 2023, 从早上9点到晚上12点在波士顿威斯汀科普利广场酒店, 会议包括多位发言人, 其中许多来自已经推出vc相关产品或服务的公司. 

Premier Media Thought Leader Evan Shapiro to Present Closing Keynote Address at 流媒体 East 2023

在今年的流媒体东部, well-regarded entertainment industry "media cartographer" Evan Shapiro will present the closing keynote address, 《百家乐app下载》," where he will discuss the latest data and context from the media ecosystem and offer a good sense of where the industry is likely headed next.